Q: How old does my dog have to be to start training?
A: Private training can start before you even bring your puppy or dog home. For puppies to join puppy class they have to be 12 weeks or older. Obedience or other classes, dogs over the age of 4 months are welcome.
Q: What vaccinations do you require for dogs to join classes?
A: Age appropriate combination vaccine DAPP 2 (Distemper, Parvo, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza) Rabies & Bordetella
Q: What sort of trainer are you?
A: I am a balanced trainer, I use both positive reinforcement as well as corrections. I believe in utilizing all training tools as is dictated by the dog in front of me. As well as what the owners training goals are
Q:What should I bring to my first session?
A: Your dog, part of their meal or some treats, a six foot leather or nylon leash. Other training tools may be recommended on an as needed basis.